Gain indepth knowledge about chiller/boiler monitoring, individual-building monitoring and cost allocation, obtaining data from buildings and how to use it, as well as steam monitoring and meter sizing. Industry experts, Barry Dunham, senior application engineer, and Rob Neumann, designer and manufacturer of flow meters and energy-measurement systems, both at Onicon, Inc, offer valuable insight into today's HVAC industry.
You'll learn:
Common metering technologies for today’s HVAC applications
Tips for comparing and selecting the right metering technology for an application
ACCA Air Conditioning Contractors of America AESP Association of Energy Service Professionals ASHRAE American Society of Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers NSPE National Society of Professional Engineers
ICBO International Conference of Building Officials ISO International Organization for Standardization NEC National Electric Code NFPA National Fire Protection Association NIST National Institute of Standards & Technology